Nak ngurat ke ?

My photo
Everything about me is simple. Nad is the name given. 18 years old and still alive. I don't like Kpop. I do have a pyjamas that i always wear it when playing the badminton but I don't care. I am easily inspired by pretty things or pretty words. I reblog what I want and write what I want. You can't control me sweet heart. And Mols is my inspiration.


Ptng tdi,ibu suruh aku siap2 pkai baju lawa2.Dengan pelik aku bertnye kpd ibu.....

aku : Nak pergi mne?
ibu: ayah nk belnje mkn.Pas2 nk round2 tgk tempt kne banjir & tgk umh bru kite....
aku: akk x nk pergilh..huhu
ibu: btul ke nie x nk pergi?nnti kitorng mkn sedap2 jgn jelez plk?
aku: betullh..akk nk tgk tb & jge umh lgi best hehe...
ibu : akk x nk tgk umh bru kite ke? kn akk lum tgk lgi?
aku : x nklh..klu all dh ltk barang bru akk tgk,,huuhu

Then,tibalah Sang Amir menegurku dri arah belakng.....

amir : kak,nak borrow camera..aku nk snap tmpt banjir...
aku : ahh kau! batery konglh...
amir : x pelh..aku charge kejap..2 minit ckuplh,,haha
aku : ameklh kt dlm laci meja akk.Weyhh ! ckp ngn ibu aku nak nasi pattaya :P...bungkus bwk blik tau !
amir : ok! aku sruh ibu beli roti kosong utk kau..haha

Tolong bagi Hamster saya makan .