Nak ngurat ke ?

My photo
Everything about me is simple. Nad is the name given. 18 years old and still alive. I don't like Kpop. I do have a pyjamas that i always wear it when playing the badminton but I don't care. I am easily inspired by pretty things or pretty words. I reblog what I want and write what I want. You can't control me sweet heart. And Mols is my inspiration.


what is formspring ?

Semalam aku tepikir nak buat bende alah nie . Frust menonggek dengan fb yang lembap giler tu ~ aku terus menggedik  dengan formspring nie . haha . So far so good , banyak soalan aku tanya kat diorang . haha. dyorang layan jelah beb ! ade 1 soalan nie merepek giler  tanya kat aku . Sorry . aku x dapat jawab then aku terus skip je .

First . mmng aku buntu x tau nak invited sape lh kan . aku terus follow je dyorang punye formspring . Merepek je soalan aku tanye . Hope dyorang x peninglh bace n bertambah suke . oklh. chow ~

Tolong bagi Hamster saya makan .